Came across a ready to wear suit…
Tried it…
And get upset…
As you are not looking the same as men in the picture…
But, don’t worry as every person has their own body shape. And there are clothes meant for your shape. Before trying all, just you need to know about your physique size and structure. Most of the best tailors in Sydney also guide their customers what suits them. However, if you are not living in Sydney, never mind, this write-up will guide you for different body shape and what you can wear what not accordingly. Let’s begin now:
Triangle Body Shape Men
This is the most seen natural shape, especially when you get older. Here, your body creates a triangle with a base at the waist and tip toward the face side. Triangle shape does mean, nothing can fit on you or you are out of shape. There are clothes meant for your wardrobe. Just you need to choose the right one. Here we have some tips for you:
What to Wear:
- Tailored pattern blazers are a great choice with a mix of colors and patterns. These are specially stitched for larger waist modern men.
- Another choice can be vertical stripes, as it creates a streamlined effect that shows your upper body slim down.
- Wearing jackets with structured shoulder help in enhancing your personality. As your slopping shoulder line takes the shape of your body frame.
- Single-breasted suits are also a great choice for triangular body shape people. As it will give then a relaxing and slim fit look.
- Brighter are always better. As these assist in shaping your chest and shoulder broaden. You can also wear jumpers and crew neck tees in color patterns across the chest.
What to Avoid:
- Fitted polo shirts and roll neck are not meant for you. As these can give you a plump look.
- Brighter colors are good but do not use a bold belt as it can draw attention to your width.
- Do not make a part of your wardrobe to skinny fits and narrow trousers.
Inverted Triangle Body Shape
This is just reverse to the above, here the body shape turns into a big triangle from the top and points toward belly button. Persons who spend many hours in the gym to develop upper body parts compared to the waist and hips have such shapes. Buying from off the rack clothes can be risky for them, especially if the manufacturer focus on out of shape body people.
What to Wear:
- Horizontal lines give your broaden look.
- Slim fit shirts can be a good choice, but you must remember your body size before wearing it.
- A slim cotton polo shirt can set a broad shoulder look from the chest and around the waist.
- Choosing Regular V neck Shirts are also a great deal, buy them to get the best look.
- You can also choose bespoke mens shirts from an experienced tailor.
- Skinny jeans or straight paints will be good for your chicken legs. But if you choose pattern paints, they can ruin your personality.
- Slim Fit jackets that follow the line of your silhouette look better.
What to Avoid:
- Suit jackets with padded shoulders emphasize a heavy look from the top and give you an extreme slim look from the bottom.
- Prints, patterns and scoop necklines, so not come under a gentlemen’s personality with inverted triangle body shape.
But, the topics and body shapes do not end there…. There are chances that your body may not fall under these two shapes… so, read the men's styling guide for Rectangle, Oval and Trapezoid body shapes.
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